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Brooke Talks
Jul 27, 20234 min read
Why DeSantis Won’t Get My Vote
I was very happy to vote for Ron DeSantis for Governor in 2018, over Adam Putnam in the primary and definitely over that bisexual...
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Brooke Talks
Jun 21, 20235 min read
New Right Conservative Boycotts Broke ‘Pride Month’ 2023
Give yourselves a hand Conservatives; you’ve won a serious battle in the fight against the Alphabet Mafia tyranny. Because of your...
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Brooke Talks
May 1, 20235 min read
Why the UniParty Establishment Hates Tucker Carlson
Why does the UniParty hate Tucker Carlson so much? Because Tucker is supposed to be one of them and they feel betrayed. He should be part...
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Brooke Talks
Apr 17, 20227 min read
Can Black Christian Conservative Men Save America?
I’ve been saying for a decade that if America is to be ‘saved’ as the Constitutional Republic it was set up to be, it would be saved by...
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Brooke Talks
Mar 15, 20226 min read
Will Republicans Win Midterms In Spite of Themselves?
The national Republican Party is a smoldering pile of shit, as are the elected officials within it. And yet, although they have the world...
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Brooke Talks
Feb 10, 20226 min read
Don’t Let Democrats Memory-Hole Their COVID Atrocities
To the parents whose children have suffered so much over the course of the past two years I say this: TELL YOUR CHILDREN WHO DID THIS TO...
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Brooke Talks
Feb 7, 20223 min read
Dear Republicans: STOP Defending Yourselves Against Liberal Lies!
One of the biggest problems the Right has is that they are always on defense. They never go on offense with preemptive attacks like the...
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Brooke Talks
Jan 10, 20226 min read
‘Trans’ Is The New Patriarchy
We’ve been hearing about ‘the Patriarchy’ for a while now, especially after the Inauguration of President Trump and the faux ‘Me Too’...
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Brooke Talks
Oct 29, 20215 min read
Jesse Kelly is Right!
Who is Jesse Kelly and why does he matter? Besides being the self-professed ‘World’s best burger maker and napper’ and who doesn’t think...
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Brooke Talks
Sep 19, 20217 min read
Democrats Deliberately Hurt America’s Children For Politics
What kind of people would intentionally hurt children for politics? Democrats that’s who and they did in 2020 and they still are. As I’ve...
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Brooke Talks
May 25, 20213 min read
Fake News Media Threatens Freedom Everywhere!
President Trump was 100% right when he said the mainstream media was Fake News and he would know, he’s been dealing with them for...
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Brooke Talks
Apr 22, 20213 min read
BLM: The Big Busine$$ of Race-Hustling
Since the death of George Floyd, the group ‘Black Lives Matter’ has received hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars in...
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Brooke Talks
Mar 24, 20214 min read
Dangerous Times - China and Putin Laugh at Biden
It’s one thing to have a person who, having been installed as ‘President’ under a fraudulent election, essentially a Coup, make mistakes...
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Brooke Talks
Mar 1, 20214 min read
Biden Voters Buyer’s Remorse Sets in
Folks are not digging Sleepy, Creepy, Sniffing, Slipping Joe. Sure, the Lincoln Project pedos, the angry feminists, the swamp creatures,...
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Brooke Talks
Nov 28, 20205 min read
Why America Needs Trump – He Pisses the Right People Off!
He’s brash, bold, politically incorrect and often indelicate. He’s an Alpha male braggart who disrupts the delicate sensitivities of both...
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Brooke Talks
Oct 15, 20203 min read
Amy Coney Barrett and the Hypocrisy of Feminists
Feminists, the self-proclaimed supporters of woman are anything but, they only support women who think like them. Worst of all are...
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Brooke Talks
Sep 16, 20205 min read
Candace v. Cardi B – The Feud the Culture Needed
When Candace Owens called Cardi B illiterate in her interview with Ben Shapiro, Cardi B should’ve just let it slide. Instead, she...
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Brooke Talks
Sep 7, 20204 min read
Hell Hath No Fury Like a Hillary Scorned
Tim Allen was right when he said ‘The Clintons are like herpes: Just when you think they're gone, they show up again." I don’t have it,...
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Brooke Talks
Jul 10, 20205 min read
The Real ‘Battle For America’: Black Lives Matter vs Blexit
Amid the din of the race hustling that has been going on since the democrat sponsored Antifa and Black Lives Matter ‘Blitzkrieg of 2020’...
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Brooke Talks
Jul 1, 20205 min read
The Left’s War on America: Who Will Win?
When defending his kneeling for the National Anthem, which is a song about the flag of the United States surviving a battle during the...
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