Hallelujah! Crying Kinzinger and Bombs Away Cheney have FINALLY been censured by the RNC. It's not enough of course, they both need to be kicked out of the Republican conference, but it's a start. And if pie face Ronna and Frank Duntz's boyfriend McCarthy think that they can just pacify MAGA Republicans by patting these two traitors on the hand and going back to business as usual, they're sadly mistaken. Newflash to the Establishment: WE'RE NOT GOING BACK! We're not going back to the tired old talking points of lower taxes and 'free trade', which hasn't actually been free for half a century. We're not going back toe unfettered military interventionism which lines your pockets but brings our best home broken or in body bags. We're not going back to being sold out by you every time we give you our vote. We're not settling anymore, we don't have to. Even though they stole the 2020 election - with the help of the Republicans - we still remember what it's like to have a Republican who FIGHTS against the Communist Left and their acolytes and abettors - President Donald Trump. We're sick of the feckless eunuch Republicans who are so quick to throw their own voters under the bus at every turn because they're so afraid to be called racist by the media and the Democrats and operate from the premise that even a single narrative of the Racist, Communist Left is in any way true. Take notice Republicans, from the mayonnaise moisties like Mitch and Mitt, to the neo-cons like Eye Patch McCain 2.0 Crenshaw, we don't want your kind any more. We're the NEW RIGHT now, the fighting Right, who isn't taking any bullshit anymore - theirs OR yours. So step on board or step aside, I don't really care. But we're moving forward from now on, on our terms, not yours. #KinzingerCensured #CheneyCensured